Bring Your Search for Tax Services Near Me to a Close

WilsonHaag provides a number of financial services aimed at meeting the unique needs of all types of clients, including businesses or individuals. Our associates take pride in forming strong relationships with those we work with and providing well-rounded tax services that address each client’s distinct situation. With extreme attention to detail and great care, we know you will find exactly what you are looking for with WilsonHaag. Our tax services include the following:

Tax Preparation

Most people don’t look forward to tax season and all the duties that come with it. Let us take the burden off your shoulders.

Tax Planning

Our guided step-by-step process is designed to make life a little easier for you when tax season creeps up.

Tax Problems

Having problems with the IRS is not an ideal circumstance for anyone. If you find yourself in this situation, we’ve got you covered!

Filing Your Tax Returns with a Professional has its Advantages

There are plenty of routes to take to get your tax filing needs taken care of, but the most beneficial, by far, is working with an expert on the subject. Impersonal and hard-to-understand downloadable software is a highly popular option for filing taxes. This is fine for some people; however, when your goals are to save money on your taxes and avoid potential issues with the IRS, the assistance that comes from consulting with a professional tax accountant is unparalleled.

Choosing to work with our tax professionals sets you apart from relying on generic software packages and downloadable programs that may not cater to your specific needs. We utilize cutting-edge technology in our tax preparation service, granting you access to live experts whom you can consult anytime. Rest assured, our team members possess extensive real-world experience in tax preparation and are equipped to assist you with even the most intricate tax matters.

Hand shake for tax services near me

A Dedication to Excellence

WilsonHaag helps simplify the process of filing tax returns to relieve our clients of stress. Our tax preparation service is staffed with certified professionals who will personally sit down with you, ensuring quick, accurate, and expert answers to all your tax-related questions and concerns. We are committed to minimizing your tax liability by identifying every eligible credit and deduction, thereby optimizing your return.

Our goal is to transform tax preparation into a convenient, straightforward, and limited effort experience. We provide comprehensive solutions that enable you to save on your taxes. Whether you require guidance for your small business or personal taxes, we have you covered.


We believe it is a necessity that our clients are able to fully understand their tax situation and know exactly how to interpret and utilize the financial information we are able to provide. Whether you need preparation, planning, or help with problems, we are more than happy to go over any questions or concerns you might have in regard to our tax services during office hours.

If you are interested in receiving a Free Consultation for tax services (limited to 30 minutes) in Amarillo or Overland Park, please feel free to get in touch with us. You may give us a call at (806) 372-3331 or fill out the contact form on our contact page.